Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to working out, mostly

While it's not super frequent, very vigorous, nor very long in duration, I've pulled myself up by my shoelaces and started doing some exercise.  I am working hard to stop feeling sorry for myself and take advantage of the fact I still have maybe 6 more weeks of energy to exercise in a way that is more than just simple walking and stretching.  I'm still tired a lot, but on my walk the other day, Em joined me for most of my mile-ish walk.  It was nice having a little bit of time to exercise together and she rode her bike for the last 1/4 of a mile.

We have another appointment with maternal fetal medicine coming up on Friday, so another ultrasound, and then a chat with the high-risk OB.  Then I have an appt with my regular OB on the Thursday afterward.  Then it's every 2 weeks with the regular OB & one more appt with the high risk dr in September.  So hopefully everything will check out okay (meaning no *activity* with my body) and we can just keep on as normal for the next month.

Definitely feeling the baby kick a lot more - and more definite kicks and jabs versus the rolling movement.  Hoping the kids and Kyle will be able to feel them from the outside soon.  So we still have 13-18.5 weeks left until the baby comes.  The wide window is just in case the progesterone shots don't work and I have this baby in the same time frame as Em & Noah.  Obviously, I'm hoping that it will be closer to 16-18 weeks that I have left.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stomach bugs and other stuff

Well, there is nothing so sad as to have a horrible stomach bug land you in the ER when you're nearly 20 weeks pregnant.  I was 2 days shy of the cut off to go up to labor & delivery.  *sigh*  Oh well.  At least 2 IV bags, some Zofran and some Bentyl and I was able to go home to sleep - nearly 6 hrs after I came in.  So here I am, 2.5 days later, still sore, still tired & still moderately dehydrated.  At least I've been able to wean myself off the meds and for now am just dealing with angry ab muscles for the intense workout they were given.  I finally started eating regular food around dinner last night - it had been the usual, dry toast, chicken soup, crackers - and so far, so good.

The good news is that baby girl is 100% fine through it all.  Just glad the nurse called to reschedule my injection to Friday, since the last thing I want is to get poked with another needle while I still feel like a zombie.

Speaking of injections, the second one was much better than the first.  It helps to not be completely psyched out by what to expect and to not have a major case of sciatic pain before the injection.  Hopefully as my body gets used to them, I'll notice them less and less.  It did seem to cut back on the intensity of my braxton hicks contractions as well.  So I know the next couple of days will mean more cramping as I have to wait an extra 2 days for the injection.  Joy.

I seem to be having a major crisis of emotions.  I miss my intense, heart-pounding workouts.  I miss the endorphins, the pride of accomplishment, and feeling strong and fit.  I know that my body is doing what it needs to do to help grow a healthy baby, but it's driving me nuts.  Granted, I did squeeze into a pair of size 8 jeans and non-maternity clothes last week, but that mid-pregnancy brain chemical shift is making me see things with such a skewed sense.  I know I should just do what workouts I can and be happy to do something, but it depresses me to get winded walking 2 mph when I was doing great running 5-7 mph just 4 months ago.  Wow, it was only 4 months since I ran my 5K?  It feels like a lifetime ago.  Honestly, I've only gained 10-12 lbs and at 20 weeks, it's not too bad of a weight gain.  Most of it is securely attached to my baby belly and chest and not elsewhere, but just seeing hard-toned muscles get soft again makes me sad.

It's annoying to be throwing myself a pity party about it, but I went into this pregnancy thinking it would be different.  Well, it is, but in the opposite way I thought.  I've been sicker, more tired, more sullen and more withdrawn.  I'm definitely not one of those women who thrives on being pregnant.  I'm still learning to not begrudge them of their good fortune, just praying my girls will be more like them and less like me. ;)

Oh yeah, I didn't mention we're having another girl, did I?  We don't have a name picked out yet, but we're getting close.  2 more weeks and we'll get another sneak peek at her when we trek back to Olympia for another MFM check.  Hopefully things will still be calm down there and I won't have a date with a needle to close things up until my shots are done.  I have nothing against the procedure, just mostly against having to have a needle anywhere near my spine after the debacle with my epidural having Noah.  Spinal headaches are NOT my friend.

My tummy's rumbling, so I should be off to find something to eat.  At least I'm hungry, right?