Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Square one...again

Okay, that might be misleading. I'm not really back at square one. I'm pregnant with #4 and no where near where I should be weight or health wise. So I have to try and figure out how to improve my health without taxing my body over the course of spring/summer/fall until I have the baby. I need to make this work. I was at my "birth weight" from the other 3 pregnancies when I got pregnant this time and it's making life a LOT harder. Add in the "advanced maternal age" nonsense (I'm only 3 months past 35) along with my already determined high risk status (my body just likes to birth 18.5" babies), and it makes me wonder what I got myself into.

I am hoping once I can get back on Wellbutrin, I can get back into a better head space to prioritize my health with the hectic life living 20+ miles from the kids' school and town. I need to remember that if I'm not healthy, how can I possibly teach the kids to be healthy, much less be active with them, the way they deserve?

If I have to be honest, I'm insanely jealous of the energy the 3 kids have. I'm also tired of being nagged by Kyle for sleeping so much. This pregnancy has been so hard energy-wise. The nausea has been bad, but not the worst I've experienced. The fatigue and mood swings have really been the tough part. I'm really hoping that the second trimester will provide at least a bit more energy. I can't keep taking 2-3 hour naps every afternoon (after snoozing on and off all morning). In fact, I should be going to sleep now, caffeine after noon has not been my ally against insomnia.