Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 13 - Um...

Yeah, so I lost 0.2 lbs this week. Wow, that was lame. I had been down over 1 lb earlier in the week, but eating camp food for more than a few days is not good for my weight loss. I vaguely remember losing 0.2 lbs after the Memorial Day work weekend at camp, so I should have expected this. Of course, I also did eat 64 activity points that I earned plus 39 of my 49 weekly points in addition to my 29 daily points. Yeowza!

So anyway, I will be continuing to workout this week and continue to drink lots of water and focus on the fruits/veggies and less on the other parts of the meal and try to forgo dessert a little more. We are having churros tonight, and that is a huge weakness of mine, since they are so tasty!

I'll probably be back later to post more.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 12 - Taking names

So at the end of 3 months, I've lost 19.4 lbs and 21.25". So from my dr appt 2 weeks before I started WW, I've lost over 22 lbs! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and passed my 10% goal.

I don't have a lot to say, though I do get to have 2 weeks between chiro appts, so my back & hips are improving! I ran this past week and look forward to doing it again soon, but will continue with strength training.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 11 - Getting comfy

I lost another pound this week, bringing me to 17.8 lbs on WW. I seem to be hitting my stride and haven't struggled too much with what to eat or how much exercise to get. I know that I need to rest and I do, I know I need to exercise and I do and I know that I should make sure that I'm eating enough fruits and veggies and drinking enough water. I know that drinking lots of alcohol or eating lots of salt will kill my weigh ins and I know that I feel better when well hydrated and when I'm not depriving myself.

I've been wearing my size 10 jeans for 10 days now and although I can only wear 1 pair of them, they're definitely getting more comfortable. I feel my thighs getting tighter and the legs of the jeans not being skin tight anymore. :) I am still working through my hip and back issues - hips are tight, I have ribs in my mid-back that like to pop out of place and subsequently, things between those two places tend to get locked up frequently. I haven't gotten back to running, but might give it a try once this group leaves and I can get my treadmill back out. We'll see how I'm feeling by the end of the week though. My mid-back is already starting to get sore and I just had my adjustment yesterday and won't have another one until next Monday. It would be helpful if I didn't have kids pulling on my shoulders and upper torso or constantly whining, causing me to tense up.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Today is a hellish day. Em's been fighting and throwing tantrums all morning. I feel like throwing in the towel and hiding in bed for the rest of the day. I'm close to tears and it's all I can do to keep Noah from realizing just how sad I am. I feel like a terrible mother and that I'm doing something severely wrong that my daughter is so mean to me and so disobedient. I shouldn't desperately want to be away from them so much, but I feel like her sole purpose right now is to hit me where it hurts.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I pray, but I feel like it's not helping enough. I feel like I just am the worst person in the world lately. I know I shouldn't just sit and wallow around in self-pity, but when everyday feels like a constant onslaught from toddler-tudes, I can't help but take it personally. Just pray for me and hopefully this phase won't last too much longer.

At least I'm not stress eating. I don't feel like eating at all. Lost my appetite and just feel like shutting down and being alone. I know it will get better, but I don't know how much longer I can cope with this. :o(

Friday, July 8, 2011

I'd like to exchange my back please

So today was my 2nd chiropractic adjustment and my lower back has already tightened back up. I'm ticked off! Granted, a big part of the problem is my kids have stressed me out to the point all the muscles in my shoulders are tight too. I'm having a hard time dealing with stress this week and I'm very tired. I tried to take a nap to stave off a headache, but the kids climbed over, then knocked over the gate to the stairs and kept coming upstairs and whispering (in that kid not quiet whisper) plus playing with what seemed every loud toy we own.

As I sit here and type this, I keep yawning, causing tears to stream down my face. This is an affliction I've suffered as long as I can remember and it's really annoying when people ask me what's wrong only to reply, "I'm tired and I yawned". The looks I get are priceless.

I just realized that tomorrow is the last day I can workout in the retreat center next door. There is a large group here starting Sunday afternoon and they'll be here until Saturday, when the site staff get to camp. I guess I can ask Kyle if he can move the treadmill to the house or clear some stuff from the living room and move it in here. The prospect of only having my little living room to work out in for the next 2 weeks makes me want to cry. Of course, knowing I'll be woken up by loud foreign language praise singing at 6 am all next week also makes me want to cry. I am NOT a morning person and being woken up is a sure way to turn me into a dragon lady. ;) I guess I'll just have to remember my headphones upstairs and cancel out the noise with my own music.

I think tonight calls for a hot bath, a date with the ice pack and some benedryl. My sinuses hurt and I need to get some sleep tonight.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 10 - Still trucking

I weighed in a day later this week because we were out of town on Tuesday morning. I was down 0.6 lbs this morning. I'm grateful I lost because I ate a lot of salty food over the weekend and didn't get a ton of hard working out in. I painted stamps & stencils in Em's room and I painted 2 walls in Noah's room white between Saturday & Sunday. On Monday, we celebrated the 4th with our friends and stayed up late!

Yesterday, I ate a lot better and drank a ton of water and managed to get rid of all that salt. I had my first chiropractic adjustment today. I had 2 ribs out of alignment in my mid-back and both of my hips were locked and my pelvis was off on my right side. Nothing too surprising to me. I'm starting to get sore, but I also did Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones this afternoon, so that might be partly to blame. ;) I hit the treadmill and failed miserably, but at least I tried! I walked 5 mins, ran 1, walked 2 and was done. The running caused my right external hip rotator to lock up a bit. I'll be icing after dinner and hopefully won't be in too much pain tomorrow. It feels like my ribs are slipping back out, but I know that it isn't a quick fix and it will take time to retrain my body to work properly.