Thursday, June 7, 2012

Changing directions

It's been quite a while since I last posted.  I was doing fairly well on my weight loss until early April, when I discovered I was once again pregnant.  Since then, I've been yo-yoing - depending on how much food I was keeping down, but I am still pretty close to my pre-pregnancy weight of 150.  My goal is to not gain more than 15 lbs - which will be tough, but hopefully I can find some energy and start working out again soon.  I've been beyond exhausted and other than completing my first 5K (Run like a Fool in Oly) on 4/1, I've done hardly a thing active.  I really miss the pulse-pounding, sweat-inducing workouts, but I know I'd never make it right now.

I took on the job of executive vice president/registrar for Noah's preschool, so I have my work cut out for me for at least the next year.  Thankfully I took it over from an awesome, organized woman!  It's just nice that we're at nearly full enrollment, so at least we're only looking for a few more kids to fill by September.

Anyway, it's nice that at 12 weeks, I'm still wearing my normal clothes for the most part.  Granted, most of my jeans aren't super comfy, but I'm still wearing 8s/10s and medium stretchy pants, no maternity clothes yet.  Of course, I haven't popped yet, at least not unless I've eaten a bunch. :)  I just have to keep from thinking that I'm getting fat while not religiously tracking my food and not working out like a fiend.  As long as I keep my mind frame in a healthy state, I should be able to focus on continuing healthy eating and moderate exercise and not gain too much.  As a frame of reference, I was 135 when I got pregnant with Em, gained 50 lbs, was about 150-155 when I got pregnant with Noah and gained 30-35 lbs.  So if I can gain a smaller amount and be about where I am now post birth, I will be VERY pleased!

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