Sunday, November 22, 2009

I did it!

I talked to Kyle briefly on Friday about my struggles to step up and take the tv time during the weekend to work out. I skipped my Friday workout, since I've still been fighting something. I also didn't work out yesterday. I was a little disappointed in myself yesterday, but I hadn't gotten much sleep, so I think I used it as an excuse to just be lazy. We did go to Target and walk around for a while, so I wasn't completely a bump on a log.

So today, I did 2 - 30 minute workouts. I did the cardio bootcamp by Kendell and then I also did a Disco Abs workout by Cheryl Burke. was okay, but glad I didn't have that as my only workout. I think I'll either do Jillian's No More Trouble Zones or the Total Sculpt by Kendell.

My big goal for tonight is to get to sleep relatively soon. I was up until nearly 2am, then Noah woke up hungry, so I didn't truly get to sleep until around 2:45.

I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. I'm excited to be neither in the 1st or 3rd trimester of pregnancy - or pregnant at all really. ;o) This time last year, I was bursting at the seams and went to Labor & Delivery the day after Thanksgiving. Now I just need to be able to not eat too much and keep with my workouts.

I only have 2 weeks worth of prenatal vitamins left, so I think I'm going to work on weaning Noah to a whole milk/formula mixture in a sippy cup for the day starting this week and still nurse at night and first thing in the morning. My goal is to be fully weaned by the end of next week. I weaned Em the day before she turned 1, so I know I'll have no problems making it to Saturday or Sunday. I think I was more prepared to wean her than I am him. I think a great deal of it is tied to the fact he's more than likely our last baby and I am not quite ready to give him over to toddlerhood. I can't hold him back though, so I think I might keep the night nursing a little longer, but give up the rest for sure by his birthday.

Once I'm done nursing, I can cut back on my calorie intake and between that and no longer having that need to maintain weight, I should start dropping weight. It helps that I started out with the exercise first and am adding in the eating. I know I can cut back on calories with success. I've done it before. This is the first time I've gotten into a good rhythm with working out and setting a schedule and really building habits in.

The last thing I have to do is set up a schedule to use my light box to reinforce a healthy set of sleep habits and resetting my internal clock. It would ideally be awesome to get up early and workout before the kids get up. So we'll see!

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