Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm an addict

Well, at least I'm starting to become addicted to working out. Go figure. I sort of got like this before I got pregnant with both Emily and Noah. Hopefully that doesn't mean #3 will magically appear anytime in the near (or distant) future. LOL I mean, while we don't intentionally plan to have anymore kids, if it's God's will, that is completely a different matter.

Anyway, I did Crunch: Super SlimDown Pilates Yoga Blend. It was nice. The most challenging thing aside from the raised leg lift section was trying to do it while Em was running around and trying to climb on me. She kept saying she wanted to watch me exercise, so I indulged her. LOL Perhaps not again. I'll have to find a mommy/toddler workout. I think Parents has one, I have the mommy/baby one that I never do. It's tough to try and work it all out. Noah had activity table time while I worked out, but I'm sure that the seat will only work for a few more months before he outgrows it.

I am really happy that I seem to be falling back into the food tracking, working out, water drinking habits. I guess they really were well ingrained from my previous forays into weight loss. I know there will be times things get thrown for a loop with my schedule, but I'm trying not to let that interfere with things. The important thing is that I maintain a healthy lifestyle, not just rush to lose a bunch of weight quickly and revert back to eating mindlessly.

Well, Em is asking me to do Wii Fit, so I better get off the computer and do some more exercise. ;o)

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