Friday, September 25, 2009

Stick to the plan

So I went over on my calories today. Not too surprising. However, I did do twice the workout I had intended. Besides, since I'm still feeding Noah, I do need to make sure I don't send my body into starvation/deprivation mode. But now that I've made it through Friday, the tough part is approaching. The weekend. This is where I derailed last week. I am resolved to track my food, no matter how good/bad I eat. I resolve to exercise as well.

I am starting to feel more results (tighter waist, , looser ring, definition in my calves) and I want to continue to see more. I mean, I have a closet full of adorable clothes that I haven't had on in over 3 years! It's just amusing because even though I'm not really down on the scale, and haven't lost all that many inches, I just feel skinny today. Perhaps it's the altering of my brain chemistry.

Em is having fun "working out" with me. She always says, "I watch mama exercise." She truly doesn't watch a ton, but is trying to do things and I have to be on my toes to make sure I don't step on, punch, kick, or otherwise run into her while I work out. I'm trying to figure out what kinds of workouts I can do with her. I mean, how awesome would it be to get Em enjoying exercise as a kid so that she doesn't have to go through the mind games like I did.

Anyhow, Hell's Kitchen is playing on the DVR and I'm going to log off, drink my water and relax.

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