Friday, October 2, 2009

Day off or off day?

So I met up with my friend Nicole for lunch today. While I knew that I was going to eat well past my calories today, I wasn't expecting my body to conspire against me. I ate what was left of a chocolate bar in my kitchen and all I want is to eat fat, salt & sugar. I mean, big, juicy cheeseburger, cupcakes, you name, I want it. No workout today either. I am also in a really bad mood - mostly because someone has been a crabby pants most of the day as well.

I should go refill my water and make sure the kids are safe just in case my eyes close for a while. I woke up tired and had a really odd dream this morning that has left me feeling off all day. It's never pleasant to have a dream that you and your husband split up, you seemingly take turns trying to get the other one back, but neither is interested at the same time...they move on, you are hunted by someone, but somehow do end up back together just before you wake up. The only positive is that I was skinny in my dream. Small consolation for how bizarre I felt this morning. I don't know if it is my subconscious screaming out about how Kyle & I spend too much time on the computers and not just with each other, or if it is just a fluke.

I guess I got a bit miffed that Kyle was chatting with someone online for a couple hours last night, but we really weren't talking all that much. Or the fact that he got home and didn't really spend much time with Noah, but instead was on the computer. I think we're in desperate need of half a day unplugged. I'd say a whole day, but I think between Kyle, myself & Em, we'd probably go a little nutty. ;o)

So tomorrow I know I need to get in some exercise. I'm sore today, and while I said I wanted to be sore (since I worked so hard yesterday), I think I don't really want to be this sore. I think I finally got my form better for lat rows as my back hurts pretty badly. At least the scale still said 161.2 this morning. I'm sure it will turn on me tomorrow. Too much salt and fat today...not to mention calories! I also realized that I forgot to take my night time meds...for the first time in probably 6 months to a year. Oops! I'm sure that doesn't help things, but still. I'm sure if I forced myself to workout, I'd feel better, but with both kids up, it just doesn't look promising. I'm craving hot chocolate, coffee, and other warm, gooey dessert-type stuff. Or maybe scones...or donuts... Gee, does it seem like I might be hormonal at all? It's probably a backlash from how strict I was getting on myself. I just need to get back on track tomorrow and not beat myself up over today. We're allowed one really off day now and then, right?

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