Thursday, October 15, 2009


I had my weigh in yesterday and was shocked to see 159.8 staring back at me from the scale. I lost 3 lbs this past week! I'm less than 2 lbs from my pre-baby weight with Noah! This is really exciting for me. I'm also still losing inches. It seems insane how many I've lost. I'll have to figure out if I can put an Excel chart into either a blog or as a widget to graph my inches lost. I measure the normal stuff (chest, waist, hips) and then also both upper arms, both thighs and my "pooch" (aka deflated baby belly). I am so close to getting the pooch under 40" (only need .5+) to get into the 30s. My hips have already tightened down to 38". I'm not expecting a ton more to go from that area. They seem much wider than they were pre-babies. Oh well.

For whatever reason, my workout today kicked my rear...much harder than normal. I am sad I feel like Kendell was angry with me for working out with Jillian yesterday. LOL Perhaps it's just that my muscles were fatigued from yesterday's beating. It's nice thinking of the fact I only have 44-45 lbs to lose to hit my goal weight of 115. I've lost that amount of weight before...I was just starting from a higher weight. Thankfully, having babies made the first chunk easier. LOL

Well, I hear a crying baby, so I guess that's it for tonight!

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