Thursday, October 8, 2009


So yesterday I managed to get back on track. I logged all of my food for the day, did not one, but two workouts. Okay, well, almost 2. There was a power flicker toward the end of the 2nd workout and the Xbox was temporarily out of commission. I didn't like the instructor, nor the workout enough to complete it once I figured out that the red ring wasn't a fatal error, but simply a notification that the power had gone out. LOL

So what is the miracle? After not logging my food from Saturday through Tuesday, and not working out Friday through Tuesday, I still managed to lose inches and only gained 0.4 lbs. Friday was a 2600+ calorie day all on it's own!

There were a variety of factors that led to my stint off track. The important thing for me was that I recognized them (grief from losing Kyle's Grandpa Vic, TOM/AF, SADD kicking in) and am working to push past those things. I know they will hold me back forever if I let them, which is why I gave myself a deadline to allow myself to be in that place. I am one that firmly believes in not stuffing feelings or ignoring them. As someone who has suffered from depression for going on (at least) 10 years, not validating the feelings can lead to a larger struggle down the road. I also was extremely frustrated by a response to my blog about that struggle. It basically said to me, "snap out of it, and just get on with your life." Those are possibly the worst things to hear, since it isn't a matter of just wishing it away. It's brain chemistry, and then at times, it will manifest itself into physical symptoms of being unwell.

That's it for now. The Xbox is on and Kendell Hogan from Crunch is waiting. :o)

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